Thunder Bay library gives municipal candidates another chance to reach voters as advance polls open up
Affordable housing, crime, addictions, roads, transparency: the Thunder Bay Public Library's second candidates night covered a wide variety of election issues.
The second candidates event this week took place Tuesday night at the Mary J.L. Black branch, bringing in candidates from the Northwood and McKellar wards, along with dozens of voters to hear what the candidates had to say.
Participating Northwood candidates were Bill Dell, Syed Kabir, Chris Krumpholz, Mike Maher, and Dominic Pasqualino.
The McKellar candidates included Cory Bagdon, Stephanie Danylko, incumbent Brian Hamilton, and Lori Paras.
Northwood resident Maria Irwin said the event gave her a chance to get to know the candidates in her ward.
"This is why I came out," she said. "I wanted to see the candidates, and I wanted to get their opinions personally."
"It's important to get out there and just know what they stand on, not just vote based on name or who you know."
Irwin said the city's proposed indoor turf sports facility is a big issue for Northwood.
"I find it's a tax burden on on the general public," Irwin said of the project. "Taxpayers in general are facing ... tax increases this year. City taxes, provincial taxes, gas taxes."
"Now we're proposing more pressure on the taxpayer, and I think a lot of people can't bear that burden."
Fellow Northwood resident Bruce Kaus said crime, addictions, and infrastructure are major issues he'd like to see addressed.
He added Northwood residents seem to be very engaged in this year's election.
"I see a lot of signs out," he said. "Especially this year, I think we need engagement."
"We can't wave a magic wand and expect things to get better overnight, but we do need, I think, some new blood in."