Three Toronto cops acquitted of sexually assaulting colleague see police act charges dropped
Three Toronto police officers who were acquitted of sexually assaulting a parking enforcement officer in a hotel in 2015 have also had their Police Services Act (PSA) charges dropped in court.
Nearly five years after the alleged sexual assault took place, the charges laid under the act — legislation that governs police conduct in Ontario — were withdrawn because the complainant did not want to "participate in the process," a lawyer for one of the officers told CTV News Toronto.
“It’s entirely understandable that the complainant or survivor would decide that she wouldn't want to go through it once, let alone twice,” said Pam Hrick, Executive Director and General Counsel of Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund.
York Regional Police, which was overseeing the investigation as an arms length agency, confirmed the charges were withdrawn Monday.
The criminal defence lawyer representing Constable Sameer Kara, one of the officers charged, said that had the PSA hearing continued, "he would have been once again found not guilty of any misconduct."