This Video Of A Toddler And Dog On A Trampoline Is The Best Thing You'll See Today
As the three-year-old girl shouts "wow" and "bounce", the dog barks in response and rolls over on its sides and head
An adorable moment of a dog and a toddler jumping enthusiastically on a trampoline in the backyard has caught the attention of Internet users, with the acrobatic pet even performing somersaults and rolling over its head first. The video shows an elated three-year-old Alex, from the mountainous US state of Wyoming, jumping with her best friend, Kona, a two-year-old Rottweiler. The dog appears to be copying the little girl's movements as they jump in sync and keep looking for each other. The video was captured by Alex's parents on May 5. In the footage, Alex's mother can be heard laughing from behind the camera. As Alex, wearing a pink dress, shouts "wow" and "bounce", the dog barks in response and rolls over on its sides and on its head. It moves excitedly around the girl and appears to be having a great time. The video has also been shared on Twitter, where it has got more than 112,000 views since May 11. Being on a trampoline helps dogs get a good exercise and works on their joints too. It also helps dogs and their owners develop a great bonding while having some fun. Some dogs may need training before they get familiar with the surface of the bouncy trampoline. For this, dog owners can use their favourite toy to lure them onto the surface and then train them regularly. However, sometimes dogs don't like being on a trampoline or any other bouncy surface. This is when the pet owners should not force them to be on a trampoline as it is non-productive. Also, dog owners should be careful about injuries suffered by their pets because of a wrong landing on a trampoline.More Related News