This T-shirt has a better travel itinerary than you do. But, don’t feel bad...
The Hindu
“Tracking the journey of a single T-shirt across the world is fun,” admits Siddhant Agarwal, “It is like how we tracked our friends’ or family’s flights before the pandemic.” Siddhant is the founder of Project Hope, an initiative that sends a single T-shirt (as well as the design stencils) across the world — as if to say, travel is possible, even in these strange times.
Like many of us during the pandemic, Siddhant missed travelling. The 25-year-old events manager and content creator has been working from home for most of 2020, often looking out of the window of his Delhi home wondering when everything would finally go back to normal. Reality hit when restrictions eased a bit a couple of months later but he and his teammates were asked to go on unpaid leave, an unfortunate reality for lakhs of employees across the country during the pandemic. He stayed at home in Shahjahanpur, near Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. “It was when no events were happening and no one needed an event manager,” he says over the phone in a matter-of-fact tone. “Then I got an anxiety attack.”More Related News