This is how much Meta spends to keep CEO Mark Zuckerberg safe
India Today
Meta's filings in the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) reveal that Meta has spent close to 27 million dollars on security and private jets of Zuckerberg in 2021.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most powerful personalities in the world. And it is no secret that Zuckerberg requires a strong team of security personnel to keep him safe from possible attacks. Not just physical attack, there are other ways to attack and cyber attack could also be one of them. That is because Zuckerberg owns the major social media apps of the world and many people, out of mere curiosity, can invade his privacy against his wishes.
As per a Bloomberg report, Meta spends a hefty amount to keep Zuckerberg and his assets safe. The company filings in Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) reveal that Meta has spent close to 27 million dollars on security and private jets of Zuckerberg in 2021. Back in 2020, the total expenditure was close to $25 million in 2020 and $23 million in 2019. The findings also state that the amount spent on the security of Zuckerberg is way more than the amount that is spent on the other high-profiled executives of the company, including Sheryl Sandberg. The total amount that is spent on her security is close to 9 million.
Meta spends around $1.6 million on Zuckerberg’s private jets in 2021. In 2020, the company had spent less than the $1.8 million spent and $2.9 million in 2019.He is also given $10 million as a pretax allowance for his family's security.
One of the prime reasons why Meta spends so much money on Zuckerberg’s security is that he is the directly associated with the brand. The company in the filings stated that “our compensation, nominating & governance committee evaluates these security programs at least annually, including a review of security professional assessments of safety threats and recommendations for the security programs. Since the implementation of Mr. Zuckerberg's overall security program, each of these assessments has identified specific threats to Mr. Zuckerberg as a result of the high-profile nature of being our founder, CEO, Chairman, and controlling shareholder. We believe that Mr. Zuckerberg's role puts him in a unique position: he is synonymous with Meta and, as a result, negative sentiment regarding our company is directly associated with, and often transferred to, Mr. Zuckerberg. Mr. Zuckerberg is one of the most-recognized executives in the world, in large part as a result of the size of our user base and our continued exposure to global media, legislative, and regulatory attention.
In fact, big tech companies, including Google, Microsoft and Twitter do not spend as much on their company CEOs as Meta spends. The Bloomberg report states the total amount spent on Google's Sundar Pichai was around $4.3 million is the closest to Sandberg. Snapchat, on the other hand, spends $2.3million on Evan Spiegel’s security and $2.2 million is spent on Oracle’s Larry Ellison.