'This has given new life to a lot of the residents': Advocates defend providing electricity to Halifax encampment
Some critics have been grumbling online about a recent arrangement that's brought free power to a homeless encampment in Halifax, but the man who's led the charge to provide electricity says it's a small concession that should be available in every camp.
Critics have been grumbling online about a recent arrangement that's brought free power to a homeless encampment in Halifax
The man who's led the charge to provide electricity says it's a small concession that should be available in every camp.
"It's amazing. It's the equivalent of running into the woods and handing somebody power," said volunteer Stephen Wilsack. "This has given new life to a lot of the residents. Their ability to charge a phone, to have light, to have devices just to play music."
The source is nearby city hall. The electricity runs from there to a rented generator and backup battery, where it's distributed through cables all over the encampment.
Wilsack, a longtime health and safety officer for the film industry, says it's exactly how they run power on a movie set.
"I'd like to thank the city and Star Power Atlantic and WF White who all came together in order to solve this," he said.