This Christmas, let's pay attention to the donkey and lessons we need to learn
Fox News
In the reenactment of the Christmas story in countless Christmas pageants many want to be angels or even sheep. But no one wants to be a donkey. But we should all consider the donkey.
Since entering the ministry in 1978, Max Lucado has served churches in Miami, Florida; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and San Antonio, Texas. He currently serves as Teaching Minister of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. He is the recipient of the 2021 ECPA Pinnacle Award for his outstanding contribution to the publishing industry and society at large. He is America’s bestselling inspirational author with more than 145 million products in print. His latest book is "God Never Gives Up On You: What Jacob’s Story Teaches Us About Grace, Mercy and God’s Relentless Love" (Thomas Nelson, September 12, 2023). For more visit his website at www.MaxLucado.com or follow him on X, formerly known as Twitter: @MaxLucado.
Beneath a suspended star a baby will be born, the angels will sing, the wise men will kneel and children of all ages will go home telling their parents that next year they want a part in the nativity play. Little boys want to be Joseph. Little girls want to be Mary. Some want to wear the angel wings or bear gifts from a distant land. A few might even offer to be the hard-hearted Herod or the hassled innkeeper.