'They saved his life': Dartmouth man resuscitated by strangers
It was just a regular Tuesday for 59-year-old Frank Whiteley until he had a major heart attack in Halifax.
But some Good Samaritans on Quinpool Road helped save his life.
After a few days on life support, he's now in stable condition at the Dartmouth General Hospital.
His granddaughter, Paige Price, said it wouldn't be the case if bystanders Heather McGrath and Melissa Savoie hadn't jumped in to help.
McGrath said she was walking down Quinpool Road when she noticed Whiteley sitting on a bench. At first, she thought he was just taking a nap.
"He had his eyes closed and his head down, so I kept going," she said. "But I just had this feeling that something wasn't right."
She asked him if he was OK. But Whiteley was unconscious and having some seizure activity, so McGrath immediately called 911.
"It's very cliché, but right place, right time for sure," said McGrath.
Savoie was driving by and noticed the scene. She parked her car and went over to see what was happening.
Savoie is certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. She noticed that Whiteley wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse, so she started chest compressions.
"When something is wrong, you have to step in," said Savoie. "I saw a wedding band, so I knew somebody home was waiting for him."
Both McGrath and Savoie said how helpful the 911 operator was. They said her guidance is what helped them through the entire event, until a doctor who happened to be passing by stopped to take over compressions.
Savoie and the doctor were able to restore a pulse. Whiteley was then transported to hospital.
Meanwhile, Whiteley's family had no idea what was going on. It wasn't until later that day that they learned what had happened.