"They Distributed Sweets Even After Defeat Because...": PM On BJP's Losses
PM Modi recounted an anecdote from Jan Sangh days - when they contested under the "lamp symbol" -- to illustrate the mindset of finding positives even in a defeat.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while exuding confidence that the BJP will have a resounding victory in the coming round of state election, said an election, for him, is like "open university" which offers opportunities for "new recruitments and to polish ourselves".
Speaking to news agency ANI in an exclusive interview, PM Modi said the party has arrived at this phase of victory by facing numerous feats.
"The BJP started winning after losing many, many, elections," PM Modi said. "We have seen so many defeats, seen deposits getting lost".
Then he recounted an anecdote from the Jan Sangh days - when they contested under the "lamp symbol" -- to illustrate the mindset of finding positives even in a defeat.