The Science Quiz: The Russell-Einstein manifesto
The Hindu
The Science Quiz: The Russell-Einstein manifesto
1. On July 9, 1955, British philosopher Bertrand Russell issued a manifesto that subsequently became the founding charter for the _______ Conference. Fill in the blank. The Conference later won a Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts towards nuclear disarmament.
2. If it weren’t for the breaking out of the Suez Crisis in 1956, the Conference (in Q1) would have been held in India thanks to the efforts of __________ _____. Fill in the blanks.
3. An important contributor to the Russell-Einstein manifesto was X, famous as the only scientist to have quit the Manhattan Project on moral grounds. Name X.
4. Of the 11 original signatories to the Russell-Einstein manifesto, only two were not Nobel laureates. One was X (in Q3). Name the other.
5. At the first Conference in 1957, there was only one woman present: ____ _____. She was widely considered to be more learned than the Conference’s other participants even though she wasn’t a scientist. Fill in the blanks.