The love story behind a dinosaur holding a bouquet caught on camera at Victoria International Airport
While waiting at the arrivals lounge at the Victoria International Airport, Sophie was having second thoughts about dressing up in an inflatable dinosaur costume.
“I had to call my friend for a pep talk,” Sophie says, recalling the anxiety.
“It was like, ‘Oh man! These people (waiting around me) are going to think I’m strange.”
Emotionally, she felt like a Tyrannosaurus wreck.
“And then it was just like, ‘Who’s going to see this?’” Sophie recalls thinking to herself.
“‘Who’s going to know it’s me? Nobody!’”
Sophie didn’t realize she was being filmed by one of the people sitting across from her.
She was too focused on greeting her partner David, who’d spent the past few months in basic military training halfway across the country. It was their first time apart.
“It was really hard being on my own,” Sophie says. “And just hearing how rough it was for him.”