'The last show': Memorial service for Calgary children's entertainer Buck Shot
It will be the last show for longtime children's TV star Ron (Buck Shot) Barge as a memorial is held Friday in Calgary.
It will be the last show for longtime children's TV star Ron (Buck Shot) Barge as a memorial is held Friday in Calgary.
For 30 years, Buck Shot and his sidekick Benny the Bear entertained Calgarians with songs, puppets, the birthday book and his nifty battered cowboy hat.
Barge died at home last month just 10 days short of his 88th birthday.
The memorial is set for noon at the Centre Street Church.
"It's like the last show. That's why we did it at noon," said his son Ken.
"It's at noon because that's when 'The Buck Shot Show' would start … 12 o'clock every day," added his daughter Brenda.
"We're looking forward to it. It's going to be nice to have the memorial because Dad would love it."