The green mafia loses its collective mind
Fox News
There has been a wealth of inaccurate predictions surrounding the fate of the Earth just in my lifetime. But that hasn't kept the 'green mafia' from crazy policies.
Jim Nelles is a supply chain consultant based in Chicago, IL. He has served as a Chief Procurement Officer, Chief Supply Chain Officer, and a Chief Operations Officer for multiple companies. Jim served his country as a Naval Officer after attending college on an NROTC scholarship. He has a BA from Northwestern University in Economics and French as well as a Masters in Management from the JL Kellogg Graduate School of Business.
Then, in 2019, newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. predicted that the world would end in 12 years if we did not take immediate measures to address climate change. Well, we are still here four-and-a-half years later, but that hasn’t stopped the green mafia from losing its collective mind and implementing crazy laws and policies in the name of environmental justice.

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