The 5 Most Common Migraine-Triggering Foods And Drinks
It’s never your fault when you get a migraine headache, but you can try skipping these common initiators.
Migraines are the worst. If you don’t get them, think of them like a hangover without the party before. Sounds are louder, smells more pungent and lights extra bright. There’s also nausea, dizziness and, obviously, a killer headache.
While neurologists are still debating the exact causes of migraines, certain foods and drinks are known to trigger an attack in many. For me, blue cheese and white wine can bring them on, while my brother can’t eat anything with artificial sweeteners. Unlike most lists of foods to avoid, migraine triggers aren’t necessarily unhealthy if you don’t have the condition.
Getting A Migraine Isn’t Your Fault
There’s a lot of stigma around migraines; people who experience them are often dismissed as having “just a headache.” But let’s be clear: Migraine is a neurobiological disease caused by a genetic predisposition. Folks with migraine didn’t do anything to make themselves ill.
“[While] some foods are somewhat more likely to trigger an attack, it is important to state that no one ever should feel responsible for their migraine attack,” explained Dr. Thomas Berk, a neurologist, headache specialist and medical director of New York-based Neura Health. “You didn’t do anything to cause your migraine.”