'That Doesn't Sound Good': Jon Stewart Nails Most Alarming Danger Of Artificial Intelligence
"The Daily Show" host compares the promise of technology to what's really happening.
Jon Stewart isn’t buying the lofty promises of the tech CEOs that artificial intelligence will be used to tackle major problems, such as ending climate change and curing diseases ― not based on what he’s seen so far, anyway.
Stewart rolled footage of Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg using the technology make toast for breakfast.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Stewart asked on “The Daily Show” on Monday night. “See, here’s the thing. Toast, I can make. I can make toast. It might be the only technology we have that works pretty much every time. I’ll tell you what: Why don’t you get to work on curing the diseases and the climate change, and we’ll hold down the fort on toast.”
But it’s not toast he’s worried about.
It’s jobs.