"Thali Day": A Year On, Twitter Relives Memories Of Janata Curfew
March 22, 2021 marks the one year anniversary of the Janata Curfew
The coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent lockdown changed the world and our lives. People across the country have now become accustomed to the new normal of working remotely, wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing. The first step towards this lifestyle shift was taken exactly a year ago when Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the Janata Curfew-- a 14-hour self-imposed curfew in the wake of the rising COVID-19 cases in India. Anniversary to one of the moment that we can't forget (On 22 nd March 2020)Go Corona Go ????????#JanataCurfewpic.twitter.com/tpW5bGnzuU This was the best I found on the same day of last year #JanataCurfewpic.twitter.com/zrf9Hld6EW 22 March I can't Forget this day in my entire life. ????#JanataCurfewpic.twitter.com/wccFGpnGe6 #JanataCurfew Anniversary pic.twitter.com/WxHoXzkeXJ One year ago, on this day#JanataCurfew#GoCoronaGopic.twitter.com/HgiilnwD5b Thali Day! #ayearago#gocoronago look what i found in the gallerythis will never stop being funny XD#GoCoronaGo#jantacurfewpic.twitter.com/rpJtyIxdhx 22 March 2020 while on my way to Radio show. The streets in Delhi looked like this on #jantacurfewanniversary#jantacurfewpic.twitter.com/jCCMj5TAHx In his address to the nation, the Prime Minister had described it as a "curfew for the people and imposed by people themselves" and urged all to follow social distancing and avoid going out as much as possible to check the spread of coronavirus. To mark the one year anniversary of the Janata Curfew, people have pulled out their memories from the day and shared it on the micro-blogging site. Most of them have used the hashtag #GoCoronaGo along with the posts.More Related News