Texas rep. torches Biden's 'incompetent' immigration policy: 'Blood is on his hands'
Fox News
Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, blasted the Biden administration's “incompetent” immigration policies, saying “blood is on his hands” as the crisis at the southern border continues.
CHIP ROY: Well, I think that the president came home and he's getting taken to the woodshed by the people who are actually running the White House. I think that's what's actually happening… So the president calls it a garbage report. Now he switches gears, saying that you need to have compensation for these families, about the outrageous immigration policies was the exact quote from him on Saturday, involving the Trump administration's policies… Who has outrageous immigration policies? This president and this administration. We've had 280,000 individuals released in the United States, 120,000 children, another 400,00 gotaways. Harris, that's about 800,000 people. Meanwhile, what do we have? We had a Honduran immigrant who posed as a 17-year-old going into the home of a Floridian who took that person in and killed this person. This is the reality of what's happening in our country. We should be compensating [sic] Americans by actually enforcing the law so that they're not dying from fentanyl overdoses, they're not having people go into their homes and kill them, [and] little migrant girls aren't getting raped on the journey. That's what this administration owns and the blood is on his hands. Instead of this rhetoric about unaccompanied children, he's causing unaccompanied children [to be] separated from their families by his incompetent policies.