Texas mayor refutes Biden administration claim that border is closed and secure
Fox News
Laredo, Texas Mayor Pete Saenz refuted Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' and President Biden's claim that the U.S.-Mexico border was closed and secure in an interview Monday.
PETE SAENZ: "These are good words and I appreciate that very much but words need to be followed by actions. We haven’t seen actions yet. So does that mean that these unaccompanied children and families, are they going to be turned away by continuing to use Title 42? If not those words are meaningless. So you know what do we do? Obviously, I think there is a plan to amend asylum laws so people can apply through their countries of origin. That would be great. The point being here is that we need to prevent this journey from those countries to the border. It’s less risk, life and limb and money and so on to these folks, but also here in the community. We’re the first responders. People need to be a little bit cognizant of that and so you know we need this thing remedied quickly."More Related News