Texas GOP lawmaker slams liberals' 'double standard' on criticism of Tim Scott
Fox News
Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, joined "The Faulkner Focus" Friday after introducing a House resolution condemning the entire Texas Democratic Party for one county's refusal to accept the resignation of a chairman who used a racial slur against Republican Sen. Tim Scott.
PAT FALLON: I'll tell you what, if the Texas Democrats didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all. You have liberals like Joy Behar and Jimmy Kimmel and the Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, that have worn blackface, and yet they face no consequence. And this fellow, Gary O'Connor, he cut deep. That was an insult that was made to wound. And his resignation should be accepted forthwith. ... The most important diversity we can have in this country is the diversity of thought. And so what we had here is an ugly incident where a White man was so incensed that a Black man dared have a different opinion and world view than the White man so the White man then used a racial slur against the Black man.More Related News