Texas Democratic State Rep. Dominguez: We're fighting for something bigger than ourselves
Fox News
When Gov. Greg Abbott pushed our state into an ill-prepared, ill-informed, and hyper-partisan Special Session after attempting to defund the legislature, my colleagues and I had finally been pushed too far.
Push a people too far whether it’s the Texans of the early 1800s or the Texans of today — and they’ll respond in-kind This isn’t the story of the Alamo. No, those heroes had already given their last full measure of devotion in service to the cause of independence. This is the Battle of San Jacinto, the fight that would, against all odds, secure Texan independence from tyranny. After days of retreat, with the Mexican army advancing beyond their supply lines, the Texans found a battlefield suitable for their stand. And a stand it was — lasting only 18 minutes in a surprise ambush, the Texans routed the invaders and, finally after a two-year war, ended the conflict that made the Battle of the Alamo famous.More Related News