Testimony to begin in Jacob Hoggard's northern Ontario sexual assault trial
The Crown's key witness in the sexual assault trial against former Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard will take the stand in a northern Ontario courtroom Tuesday afternoon following the judge's instructions to the jury.
WARNING - The following details of the sexual assault case may be disturbing, discretion is advised.
The Crown's key witness in the sexual assault trial against former Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard will take the stand in a northern Ontario courtroom Tuesday afternoon following the judge's instructions to the jury.
Superior Court Justice Robin Tremblay started proceedings by delivering his opening remarks to give the jury a "crash course on how to be a judge," cautioning the panel about unconscious bias and prejudices.
"You are learning how to be a judge in 45 minutes," Tremblay said to the jury in his remarks that began at 1:40 p.m.
Crown Attorney Lilly Gates gave a short opening address around 3 p.m., stating the complainant is the Crown's key witness in the case and will be the first to testify.
Gates said she expects the 27-year-old woman -- who can't be named due to a publication ban -- to tell the jury what happened the night she met Hoggard eight years ago.