Tenants rights group says next Hamilton city council needs to do more to stop renovictions
Global News
ACORN Hamilton said the next city council needs to take stronger action to stop landlords from 'renovicting' tenants amid an increasingly expensive rental market.
An advocacy group for tenants says the next city council needs to take serious action to stop renovictions in Hamilton.
During a walking tour through the lower city on Thursday, members of ACORN Hamilton and other residents shared their stories about being displaced from their apartments or being pressured to move by landlords who are looking to renovate a property and raise the rent for incoming tenants.
John Vermeire lived in an apartment on Barton Street East for over two years and said he never missed a rent payment, but when new owners took over the building, they began to try and get him and 13 other tenants to move out.
“They were calling me every two, three days. ‘Are you moving yet? You found a place yet? Can you move out?’ No, I’m not going to move.'”
He said they ended up buying him and all of the other tenants out of the building at the beginning of the year, and it took him nine months before he was able to find another place in Hamilton he could afford.
ACORN member Elizabeth Ellis had a similar story about being renovicted from her Sherman Avenue apartment in 2019.
She said the property owners kept “badgering” her and the other tenants until they ended up being bought out and since then, she said the apartments have been unoccupied.
“The thing is, I could understand, ‘Okay, you renovicted me. Okay, fine. I can deal with that.’ But what I can’t deal with is them profiting off having nobody live here. We’re in a housing crisis and nobody’s still living here. There’s people on the street.”