Telegram will now let up to 1000 people join video call
India Today
As per the new developments, Telegram will now let up to 1000 people join a group video call and also allow users to send video messages.
Popular messaging app Telegram has announced a new slew of new features. As per the new developments, Telegram will now let up to 1000 people join a group video call and also allow users to send video messages. Not only that, Telegram has now enabled screen sharing with sound to all video calls, including one-on-one calls — and much more. Telegram has witnessed an uptick in users ever since WhatsApp got under the scanner for its new confusing privacy policy. Telegram and other messaging app Signal were deemed safer by most WhatsApp users. Telegram said that it wants to keep increasing this limit until all humans on Earth can join one group call. Therefore, the company has allowed around 1000 participants to join the video call whereas 30 users broadcast video from both their camera and screen. The feature would be particularly useful for online lectures, seminars and even online concerts with many participants.More Related News