Teen squatters brutally murder woman: Letters to the Editor — March 26, 2024
NY Post
The Issue: The brutal slaying of a woman allegedly by two squatters living in her Manhattan apartment.
If there was ever a case for bringing back the death penalty, it’s certainly that of the two despicable squatters Halley Tejada and Kensly Alston (“Slay vic found in trash bag,” March 24).
The pair allegedly not only took over Nadia Vitels’ Manhattan apartment but also beat her to death and brutally stuffed her body in a duffel bag when she discovered their presence.
No consequence is too great for them, and life in prison would be far too lenient. These two lost all their rights when they allegedly took Vitels’ life. They serve no purpose in our society other than that of parasites. We should give Vitels’ family some sort of closure and the justice they so deserve.
Bert Wedemeyer