‘Teachers have a great role in making India a global education hub’
The Hindu
India is becoming a prominent global education hub and teachers have a great role in transforming educational institutions into a knowledge hub, Chairman of the Kalyana Karnataka Human Resources, Agriculture and Cultural Association (KKHRACA) Basavaraj Patil Sedam has said.
He was addressing a gathering after inaugurating Teachers Day celebrations at Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya at Gita Nagar on the outskirts of the city on Monday. The programme was organised jointly by the Zilla Panchayat and the Department of Public Instructions.
Mr. Sedam said that many universities flourished in ancient India, including the world famous Taxila and Nalanda. He said that teachers have a vital role in bringing back this glory and make India a knowledge hub.
Prajapita Brahma Kumari Vishwa Vidyalaya head Rajyogini Vijaya appealed to teachers to move from seeing education as merely information-centric of accumulated knowledge to education as critical consciousness and self-reflexive awakening.
Teachers of primary schools Chandrakala Jaganath, Dattu Melkeri, Kasturi Bai Madiwala, Sangeeta Janthe, Raviteja, Shabbir Ahmed, Bannappa H. Jogi, Lakshman, Sridevi Sali, Sangeeta, Mallikarjun, Amrita Shirwal, Yellappa Batgera, Vijaykumar and Shivaraj Gond were conferred the district-level best teacher award.
Also, high school teachers Rajesh Nagoor, Vanishree, Basavant Reddy, Bheemrao, Aruna Desai, Nandkumar Tagadpur and Prahlad Kumar were conferred the best teacher award.
Member of Legislative Assembly Basavaraj Mattimod, Member of Legislative Council Shashil G. Namoshi, Additional Commissioner for Public Instructions (Kalaburagi Division) Garima Panwar, Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer Girish Badole and City Corporation Commissioner Bhuvanesh Patil were present.