Teacher's classroom intruder fight-off plan involves hockey pucks, as seen in viral TikTok
Fox News
A teacher’s last resort plan to fend off a dangerous classroom intruder with hockey pucks has gone viral on TikTok, and the defense strategy seems to be one worth considering in wake of recent school shootings.
In her video, Zacharias explains that while her classroom door does have a functional lock, she still has concerns about it being made out of wood and having a window that could potentially break in the case of an active threat.
"I have these big windows along the back wall. My kids know that plan A is always to just get out that middle window and run across the street. But, of course, plan B is barricade the door and fight. You all know this," Zacharias says in her video. "So, I thought, ‘What can I give every single student just [so they have] something to prepare themselves?’ I thought a hockey puck. It can really hurt you, especially 30."