Taron Egerton solves puzzle to iconic video game's success in 'Tetris' trailer
There's a new trailer for the upcoming 'Tetris' movie starring Taron Egerton as Henk Rogers, the real-life entrepreneur who brought the iconic video game to fingertips around the world.
All the pieces are falling into place for the new "Tetris" movie.
"I still see falling blocks in my dreams," Taron Egerton says in the film's trailer, which was released on Thursday.
Egerton portrays Henk Rogers, the real-life entrepreneur who brought the iconic video game to fingertips around the world. The film, based on a true story, also stars Nikita Efremov and Sofia Lebedeva.
The Cold War-era thriller takes place in 1988 when Rogers first discovers Tetris and "risks everything by travelling to the Soviet Union," where he teams up with Tetris inventor Alexey Pajitnov (Efremov) "to bring the game to the masses," according to an Apple TV+ synopsis.
The trailer depicts a charismatic Rogers pitching the video game in various offices saying, "This game isn't just addictive, it stays with you." Things start to take a dramatic turn as Rogers and Pajitnov try to make a deal to bring Tetris to Game Boy, and realize nefarious entities are watching them.
While Europe's 1986 hit "The Final Countdown" plays in the background, Rogers explains the meaning of the name Tetris at one point in the trailer: "It's a combination of Tetra, Greek for four, and tennis."
The more you know!