Tamil Nadu releases COVID-19 SOPs amid plans to reopen schools for Classes 9-12 from September 1
Zee News
COVID-19 SOPs for schools in Tamil Nadu include 50% attendance of students, odd-even formula for classes, among others.
Chennai: In line with the Tamil Nadu government’s tentative proposal to resume in-person classes for students of grades 9th-12th from September 1, a detailed list of Standards Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been shared. Health department authorities have been instructed to coordinate with all schools (Govt, Govt-aided and private) to ensure that reopening happens in accordance with the guidelines. As per the SOPs, there must be at least 6 feet of distance between students who are seated in a room, or one student one bench is recommended, with the same 6 feet norm. It is even suggested that if the weather is pleasant, classes can be conducted in outdoor spaces. Staggering of entry and exit times and provision of lanes have been suggested to ensure safe passage at gates. In terms of occupancy, it has been recommended that staggered/reduced timings be followed in the timetables for different classes. 50% attendance, odd-even formula for classes, running schools in shifts have also been mentioned. In cases of small classrooms, it has been suggested that classes be held in larger areas such as libraries, labs, etc.More Related News