Tamil Nadu leading the country on multiple fronts, says DMK, citing Union govt. report
The Hindu
Tamil Nadu leads India in trade, healthcare, and economic development, surpassing other states in various indices.
The Export Preparedness Index 2022 and the National Import–Export Record for Yearly Analysis of Trade (NIRYAT) for 2022-23 released by the Union government, showed that the ‘Dravidian model of governance’ was leading the country, the DMK said on Thursday.
In a release, it also cited the National Multidimensional Poverty Index, 2023, which projected Tamil Nadu as leading the country in terms of post natal care of women. Tamil Nadu also led the country in institutional deliveries and ante natal care.
The annual report of the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry for 2022-23 has brought to light the fact that Tamil Nadu led the country by operating 50 Special Economic Zones (SEZ), the highest among the States, it said. “In Gujarat, which was under the Modi rule, there are only 21 SEZs.”
According to the Export Preparedness Index 2022 released by the NITI Aayog, Tamil Nadu has secured the first position by obtaining marks between 80 and 100 on various parameters, it said. As per the report released by the NIRYAT, Tamil Nadu has secured the second position only next to Maharashtra by recording 16.30% of the total export.
The DMK also pointed out that Tamil Nadu has secured 3.31% (NFHS-5) in the National Multidimensional Poverty Index, 2023, in terms of ‘Uncensored Headcount: Maternal Health’, while Gujarat secured 12.72% and Uttar Pradesh got 30.03%.
Citing various reports, it said that the institutional deliveries were at 99% only next to Kerala. It stood among the leading States in the country in the social development index. Various reports released by the Union government and its agencies showed Tamil Nadu led by Chief Minister M.K. Stalin led the country among other States on multiple fronts, the DMK added.