Take these steps to protect yourself from winter weather dangers
Winter weather brings various hazards that people have to contend with to keep warm and safe.
Winter weather brings various hazards that people have to contend with to keep warm and safe.
These dangers can include carbon monoxide poisoning, hypothermia and frozen pipes that can burst and make homes unlivable.
Public safety officials and experts say there are multiple ways people can prepare themselves to avoid these winter weather hazards and keep themselves safe.
The hazards are on the radar this week because millions of people in the United States are set to be hit with moderate to heavy snow from Kansas City to Washington. Cold conditions are also gripping the East Coast.
Officials say that during a winter storm, people should stay indoors. But home heating systems running for hours can increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning as the deadly fumes can be produced by furnaces, stoves and heaters, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Carbon monoxide can also be created when people use portable generators or run cars in their garages to stay warm or charge their phones.
Dr. Alex Harding, assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said that because carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, people won’t necessarily be aware of it.