'Take me to court, I'm not leaving': Tenants defiant as Webster Street Apartments issue more eviction notices
Catherine Ostrander is the latest to receive an eviction notice from Webster Street Apartments. 'I like my apartment here,' said Ostrander, a tenant at 1280 Webster St. 'I've been here for 23 years, and the thing is, I really don't want to move.'
Catherine Ostrander is the latest to receive an eviction notice from Webster Street Apartments.
“I like my apartment here,” said Ostrander, a tenant at 1280 Webster St. “I've been here for 23 years, and the thing is, I really don't want to move.”
Late last week, Ostrander received a notice with N9 and N13 forms attached.
The notice, like ones handed to some other tenants in late April, state that renovations need to be done, and she's required to leave for health and safety reasons during the process.
"A lot of people are elderly in the building are 80 to 90 years old, and they're getting eviction notices,” said Aaron Dell, who was one of the first 20 people to receive a notice four months ago. “Ten more people from this building, 10 more people from that building. So basically, they're going to keep continuing to evict people.”
ACORN London, an advocacy group for low income tenants, said these types of incidents are becoming commonplace across Canada.
“The housing market is going out of control, and there is no one guarding the gates as far as protecting tenants’ rights,” Jordan Smith, a leader with ACORN London previously told CTV News London.