Symone Sanders takes swipe at new NBC colleague over book detailing Biden campaign promise: 'Not true'
Fox News
New MSNBC host Symone Sanders took a swipe at college Jonathan Allen, claiming parts of his book about President Biden's path to the presidency were "not true."
"Well let me ask you if the account in that book is broadly correct. Did you and other advisers to President Biden think that that was not the right move, when he made that pledge at that debate, on that debate stage in South Carolina?" host Rachel Maddow asked, referencing Allen's passage claiming Sanders told Biden not to make the commitment during a South Carolina Democratic primary debate.
"Well, I will note a number of those things in that book are not true, but that is in fact true. There was lots of debate in the lead-up to that debate in South Carolina in February about what then-candidate Biden should do," Sanders responded. "There was never a question about if the commitment was real."