SWAYAM Exam August 2021: Registration Begins, Here’s Direct Link
Exams for students enrolled in different courses of Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) will be conducted on August 28 and 29. Registrations for these exams have been started at swayam.gov.in.
Exams for students enrolled in different courses of Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) will be conducted on August 28 and 29. Registrations for these exams have been started at swayam.gov.in. SWAYAM August exams for all non-technology courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels will be conducted at 141 cities across the country. "All Students/ Working Professionals/ Life-Long Learners who have enrolled for Non-Technology Under Graduate/ Post Graduate MOOCs Courses on SWAYAM Platform (www.swayam.gov.in) for the January-April, 2021 semester are requested to register for the SWAYAM Examination at https://examform.swayam.gov.in/," the University Grants Commission (UGC) said. Apply for SWAYAM exam here A notification on the official website says learners should not select the same date and time slot for more than one course. It has also asked them to read the SWAYAM examination guide before registering for the exam.More Related News