Suspected Norovirus infection for 52 students in St. Mary’s College, Thrissur
The Hindu
This is the first time Norovirus infection has been reported from Thrissur.
has been suspected for 52 students in the hostel of St. Mary’s College, Thrissur. Health officials suspect that the infection must have spread through the food or drinking water distributed in the hostel.
Students have been consulting with the doctors for symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and fever since November 8, according to the college authorities. But nobody suspected it as norovirus infection.
The health officials noticed it when a group of students of the college went for treatment at Thrissur General Hospital recently. They sent the samples to the Virology laboratory in Alappuzha.
Chennai has two categories of Black kites: a larger group heading to the city from the western parts of India during the south west monsoon and heading back when the monsoon is past; and another group, smaller and resident, which would make minor movements in and around Chennai looking for an optimal atmosphere for nesting and raising the young. A couple of pylons in Perumbakkam suggest that Black kites have found an ideal nesting space there
This is part of the Karnataka Namakarana Suvarna Mahotsava celebrations organised to mark the naming of the State as ‘Karnataka’ during the tenure of the late D. Devaraj Urs. The statue, sculpted at an approximate cost of ₹21.24 crore, is 41-foot-tall including the pedestal and weighs around 31.5 tonnes.