Suspect pleads guilty to arson charges after fires in Napanee, Stone Mills
Global News
Jay Bradley, 49, pleaded guilty to arson and harassment after two fires in Napanee, Ont. He had previously maintained his innocence. Sentencing is set for November.
Jay Bradley, 49, pleaded guilty Monday to two counts of arson and one count of criminal harassment, marking a stark contrast from his earlier court appearances, where he had maintained his innocence.
Bradley was arrested last fall and initially charged with two counts of arson with disregard for human life, criminal harassment, threatening conduct and possession of incendiary material. The charges were related to two fires, one at the Lennox Agricultural Society in Napanee, Ont., and another at a home in Stone Mills Township.
Bradley operated a roller disco at the former community centre owned by the agricultural society, but his lease was not renewed. Shortly before the fires, he had been lobbying the society to continue operating, but his efforts were unsuccessful.
After the fires, Bradley publicly proclaimed his innocence.
In a statement to Global News, Carol McKinley of the agricultural society said, “It has been 280 days of stress, turmoil and loss. A loss not only to the Lennox Agricultural Society, me and our families but the whole community. That has been enough! I am glad that we don’t have to be dragged through a trial.”
Bradley’s sentencing is scheduled for November.