Supreme Court pushes divided nation closer to breaking point with new fights over abortion
The contrast between the theoretical legal bubble of the Supreme Court chamber and the confused, divided nation rocked by the destabilizing decisions of its conservative majority has never been more stark.
New political and legal battles are raging in the aftermath of the court overturning the constitutional right to an abortion, which went against majority public opinion on the matter. A political system and national cohesion stretched by a pandemic and ideological divides is being driven closer to a breaking point. Millions of Americans are left unsure of their rights and health care options with no clarity on complex medical, legal and ethical issues suddenly thrown by the court's monumental decision.
For abortion opponents, who see ending a pregnancy as tantamount to the murder of a fetus, these are unavoidable consequences of a moral wrong being corrected. But Americans who favor abortion rights and live in states where they are now illegal feel themselves victims of unacceptable government intrusion into their decisions about their health and families.