Supreme Court math: User's manual to confirming Stephen Breyer successor
Fox News
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's upcoming retirement will mark the first time a Democratic U.S. Senate has the chance to confirm a high-court justice in a post-nuclear-option world. The battle to replace him comes down to simple math.
"I’m not going to start talking about what might happen if I’m the Majority Leader the last two years of [President Biden’s] current term. I’m just not going to comment."
Republicans then confirmed Trump picks Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett for the court with the lower threshold to stave off filibusters. Notably, both Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, voted against breaking off debate on the nomination of Barrett because the nomination and vote dates fell so close to the 2020 presidential election. Collins ultimately voted nay on the nomination but Murkowski voted yes to confirm.