Supreme Court allows Alabama election map over black vote dilution claims
ABC News
The Supreme Court will allow Alabama's new GOP-drawn congressional map over the objection of two lower courts that it discriminates against black voters.
The U.S. Supreme Court has reinstated Alabama's new GOP-drawn congressional map over the objection of civil rights groups and decisions of two lower courts finding that it dilutes the influence of Black voters in violation of the Voting Rights Act.
The vote to temporarily stay a lower court order blocking the map was 5-4, with Chief Justice John Roberts joining the court's three liberals in dissent.
The decision means Alabama will not immediately have to redraw its political lines to include a second majority-Black district, as had been ordered by a District Court judge, allowing the original maps to take effect for midterm elections.
At the same time, the Supreme Court's majority said it would take up the Alabama redistricting case on the merits later this year.