Supervised consumption site considered for Elgin or Oxford
The region may soon have a second permanent supervised consumption site to help tackle the addiction crisis.
The region may soon have a second permanent supervised consumption site to help tackle the addiction crisis.
Southwestern Public Health has launched a feasibility study for one or more such sites in Elgin or Oxford.
Recovering addict, David Wood of St. Thomas, tells CTV News he believes such a facility would help a lot of people.
“For myself personally, I used to be involved in drugs,” Wood said. “I’m 21 years clean, so I know what it’s like to go through that kind of stuff. They actually have this place set up and ready to go, I think it’s a good idea, instead of alleyways and stuff yeah. Yeah, it’s a good idea.”
The study began collecting data in January. Medical officer of health Dr. Ninh Tran said it will consider all logistical factors, along with input from the general public.
“Is there a perceived need by the community, and those experiencing the overdoses? Is there support in our community? And then what are the potential models and logistics that would need to happen for that,” said Dr. Tran.
He said the proposed site would include both consumption services and wrap-around supports.