Sunday lockdown imposed in Uttar Pradesh, Rs 1,000 fine for not wearing mask
India Today
The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to enforce a statewide lockdown on Sunday to contain the spread of Covid-19. A fine of Rs 1,000 will also be collected from anyone found not wearing a face mask.
A statewide lockdown will be enforced in Uttar Pradesh on Sunday in light of the recent surge in new confirmed cases of Covid-19. This Sunday lockdown will come into effect in all cities and rural areas across the state. In addition, the state government has also decided to collect a fine of Rs 1,000 from anyone found not wearing a face mask. While the fine for first-time offenders is Rs 1,000, a second violation by the same person will attract a penalty of Rs 10,000. Uttar Pradesh reported 20,510 new confirmed cases of infection on Thursday. The state now has over 1.11 lakh active cases of Covid-19.More Related News