Students’ group collects 35 lakh signatures to ‘save public education’
The Hindu
All-India Democratic Student’s Organisation (AIDSO) held a State-level students’ convention at Freedom Park in Bengaluru in the conclusion of its signature campaign to ‘Save public education, to save government educational institutions’. More than 40,000 students participated in the 150-day-long signature campaign and more than 35 lakh signature have been collected from 120 taluks of all the 31 districts of the State, according to the organistion.
Rajashekhar V.N., president of the AIDSO All-India Committee, said, “The State government has proudly announced that it is the first State in the country to implement the NEP. But ironically, Karnataka is also the first State to protest against the NEP. This new education policy has made recommendations that is sure to curtail government educational institutions.”