Student raises awareness for homeless double amputee in south London, Ont.
Near one of London, Ont.’s busiest intersections rests Tom, a 59-year-old a double amputee. It’s Monday morning, and Tom has been lying on the ground, just outside the property of the London Health Sciences Centre's Victoria Hospital campus for the better part of four days. Tom is saddened most people driving by fail to notice him, but not all pass by.
Near one of London, Ont.’s busiest intersections rests Tom, a 59-year-old a double amputee.
It’s Monday morning, and Tom has been lying on the ground, just outside the property of the London Health Sciences Centre's Victoria Hospital campus for the better part of four days.
Tom is saddened most people driving by fail to notice him.
“You’re a human being, just like I am, and as such, this could very well be you down in this position,” he cries out.
But not all pass by. On Thursday, shortly after Tom says he was discharged from LHSC for bed sores, he was noticed by Tyler Calver. He is a medical support student living in London, and Tyler says he quickly learned Tom’s story.
“Tom relies on a powered wheelchair because he is a double amputee. So, his wheelchair was charged in the ER [at LHSC] and he got it to about here [Wellington and Commissioners] where it died,” Tyler explains.
Since then, Tyler has been trying to help.