Student loan repayments are back. Will colleges continue to get a free pass for this mess?
Fox News
Student loan repayments are back. Will colleges continue to get a free pass for this mess? And will anyone point fingers at the government for its role in the fiasco?
While taxpayers should not be on the hook for others’ debt, and personal responsibility is paramount, we have to recognize that the current situation is an abomination. Carol Roth is a former investment banker, entrepreneur and author of the new book "You Will Own Nothing" Broadside Books. Her previous books are "The War on Small Business" and the New York Times bestseller "The Entrepreneur Equation."
As payments on the now record $1.77 trillion in student loans (as of Q2 2023) have resumed after a somewhat questionable three-year pause and the administration keeps attempting loan forgiveness efforts, it is staggering that nobody in Congress or the White House has moved to address the root of the problem: government intervention is aiding and abetting the wholesale transfer of wealth from young people to colleges and their administrators.
While taxpayers should not be on the hook for others’ debt, and personal responsibility is paramount, we have to recognize that the current situation is an abomination.