Storm system to bring freezing rain and high winds on Saturday
Environment Canada is calling for fluctuating temperatures and freezing rain across southwestern Ontario at the start of the weekend.
A special weather statement says to expect the arrival of a storm system across the region that will appear as a brief period of snow followed by freezing rain on Saturday morning.
"It is Saturday, so a lot of people will be sleeping in. I'm hoping that will allow them to bypass the freezing rain," said Gerald Cheng, meteorologist for Environment and Climate Change Canada.
"But of course keep in mind too, this is a big system and there's another threat that we need to worry about, and that is strong winds. Winds will be gusting up to 80 km/hr Saturday afternoon through the evening."
The freezing rain will turn to a risk of a thunderstorm in the afternoon. Temperatures may be on the rise but there's still the possibility of snow going into April, said Cheng.
"I know that everybody wants to put away the winter jacket and the shovels, but it's not time yet because the wintry weather is still very much in play in April," he said.
Saturday's rainfall in London could amount to 20 mm, with a 60 per cent chance of rain showers or flurries and a low of minus 1 in the evening.
Sunday will be cloudy, windy and a high of plus 5.