State of emergency lifted in Lambton County
The County of Lambton has terminated its State of Emergency in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The County of Lambton has terminated its State of Emergency in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The county says it’s now in a position to respond to Covid-19 within its normal resources and processes. “Lifting the State means the County believes it can incorporate the ongoing response to COVID-19 within our day-to-day operations without significant outside assistance," said Warden Kevin Marriott.
The County Emergency Control Group will continue to monitor the pandemic's impact on County operations and is prepared to escalate its response, should the local situation change.
While the emergency declaration is ending, county officials are reminding the public that Covid-19 still exists. Residents are advised to continue following public health guidelines and are asked to show patience. "As we transition to the next phase of the pandemic, I would like to encourage the public to extend compassion and understanding towards those who are adapting to new routines at paces that may be different from our own,” said Marriott.
Details on current public health measures can be found on the Province of Ontario’s website at ontario.ca/covid-19.
Any businesses with questions regarding current provincial public health regulations can call the Ontario Stop the Spread Business Information line at 1-888-444-3659.