Standing room only public meeting held against Dartmouth Cove infill project
A public meeting at Alderney Gate Public Library in Dartmouth, N.S., was standing room only Wednesday night as residents gathered for an update on a controversial project.
A public meeting at Alderney Gate Public Library in Dartmouth, N.S., was standing room only Wednesday night as residents gathered for an update on a controversial project.
Transport Canada has given approval for Atlantic Road Construction and Paving to dump approximately 100,000 cubic metres of pyritic slate into the Dartmouth Cove.
More than 150 people packed into the library’s Helen Creighton Room for an update on the infill project.
Some people had to be turned away at the door due to the large turn out.
A founding member of the Friends of Dartmouth Cove community group said she was overwhelmed by the number of people who attended.
Jill Brogan added there is still much that can be done, despite the project’s approval.