Sports agent says Supreme Court ruling a rare example of seeing NCAA on 'their back foot'
Fox News
After the Supreme Court ruled on Monday in an unanimous decision that the NCAA has illegally restricted education-based benefits that could be used as compensation to student athletes, an athletics agent told Fox News that it was a similarly rare occurrence of the collegiate league being essentially on their heels.
"The fact that we get a unanimous decision seems pretty rare these days from the Supreme Court much less on the this," he said. "They found the lower court decision indicating that artificial caps or restraints or barriers to education benefits was an anti trust violation… More importantly, to your question, this arguably does open the floodgates to bigger issue, which is compensating student athletes for the second part, not students but rather the athletic benefits they provide the university." Several current and former student athletes had sued the NCAA and 11 conferences, claiming that the rules restricting compensation violated antitrust laws. A lower court ruling maintained the NCAA's rules of generally forbidding payment to student athletes, while allowing for education-related aid. The students accepted this, but the NCAA fought it, eventually bringing the case to the high court. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote that the court "cannot agree" with what he called an NCAA-proposed "sort of judicially ordained immunity" from the terms of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.More Related News