Spain restricts some nightlife as virus surges among young
ABC News
Some Spanish regions are rolling back curbs on nightlife only weeks after dropping them, as soaring numbers of coronavirus infections pop up among the unvaccinated youth
MADRID -- Faced with soaring numbers of new coronavirus infections among unvaccinated young people, some Spanish regions are rolling back curbs on nightlife only weeks after dropping them. Fearing that the surging contagion could strain health care services as stressed employees try to go on summer holidays, health officials in several parts of the country are also rushing to get COVID-19 vaccine shots to people under 30. Spain's strict vaccination rollout has so far focused on older, more vulnerable groups, leaving for this summer the vaccination of teenagers and people in their 20s. So far, nearly 40% of Spain's 47 million people have been fully vaccinated, one of the highest levels in Europe, but the share falls to one in ten vaccinated in the 20-29 age group and a meager 0.6% for youngsters up to 20.More Related News