Source of spill that turned Sidney creek white identified
The Town of Sidney says it has identified the source of a troubling spill that turned Mermaid Creek milky white on Wednesday.
The Town of Sidney says it has identified the source of a troubling spill that turned Mermaid Creek milky white on Wednesday.
Sidney chief administrative officer Randy Humble said in a statement to CTV News that paint from a residential painting project had entered the creek through the town's storm drain system.
"Residents should take care when painting and performing property maintenance to ensure that harmful substances are not entering the town’s storm system," Humble's statement reads.
"Municipal storm drains discharge into the ocean without prior treatment."
An environmental group and a local residents group have expressed concern about the spill.
"I came over and took samples and called in," said Jocelyn Gifford, chair of the Roberts Bay Residents Association.
"It was pretty alarming, not only for the ecology of the bay, but also we have a lot of neighbourhood volunteers working with peninsula streams."