Sonnie Johnson warns GOP to stop 'talking down to Black America', help 'fix the issues' in urban areas
Fox News
Conservative radio host Sonnie Johnson called out Republicans on "Fox News Primetime" Friday, telling host Lawrence Jones people on the right need to quit being "sanctimonious" and start implementing policy that can fix inner-city issues.
The thing with Democrats is they are never going to talk about this issue. Because if they do, they will have to be held accountable for what they have done to our communities [for] sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred years in some areas. They will have to be held accountable. They are not going to put themselves in a position where they have to be held accountable. I brought this message seven years ago to Republicans, to conservatives. We can talk about this. We can go out there, we can win people. We can win hearts and minds. I was told to sit down, to shut up. I was told that calling Black people slaves on a plantation was more beneficial than actually offering them policy that fixes the issues that plague them under these Democratic-controlled cities. I was told it was not an important conversation. I was told that our voice had no weight and constantly, over and over again, these messengers who choose to berate and belittle Black Americans were constantly put to the forefront. Where are the people that want to have these conversations about Black on Black crime? Where are the people that want to talk about the things that are going on? We are right here. We have been bringing these conversations to the right for years. You never want to have these conversations with us until this moment arises. So, please, they can save the sanctimonious stuff and let's actually get the policy that can fix the issues in these areas.More Related News